Inosight users
1) People with sight loss
• 385,000 people are currently registered
• 2,000,000 could be registered Consumers need a technology that doesn't require specialist knowledge (braille) or to be registered to access it.
4) Consumers with Dyslexia and other communication difficulties
• 4% of the UK population are severely dyslexic- 2,500,000 Consumers need access to information but many struggle to read current packs.
2) People with English as a second language
• 6,500,000 people struggle to read English in print but can understand spoken English Consumers need a technology that speaks in English. There are links between sight loss and some ethnic minority groups.
5) Consumers with low functional literacy who understand spoken English but not the printed word
• 16% of UK adults are functionally illiterate: 5.2m adults
• 1.7m adults have literacy levels below 11yrs old
• C.6m people in UK have little/no ability to read info
• 2m had no access to written information in 2010
• 6m people will potentially have this problem in 2035
• Prescribed & non prescribed medicine users – high
3) Older people with natural deterioration in their sight and age related medical need
• 2010- 17% of UK population were 65+(10.5 m) 1.1% of UK population were 85+ (690,000)
• 2035-23% of UK population will be 65+ (16.5 m) 5% of UK population will be 85+ (3.6m)
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